Jennifer Neibert | Children’s Ministry
My name is Jennifer Neibert. I am married to Matt. We started attending Harvest Chapel in the fall of 2006. An old friend asked if we would take him to church, he said he had been going to Harvest and we agreed to take him. When we walked in we were immediately greeted and made to feel welcome. As we sat under the teaching, we both loved hearing God’s Word, word by word, verse by verse. It was amazing! Growing up in the Catholic church, this is something we weren’t used to, we just got bits and pieces, not all of it. When we left that day, we both couldn’t get over how much we understood God’s word. I used the example that it felt like my hair should be standing on end because of all of the teaching going past me. After that week we knew we wanted more and that Harvest would be our new church home. After about three weeks going, I gave my life to the Lord and began diving into God’s Word and He began diving into my heart. My life was changed.
In October of 2007 Matt and I were baptized at Harvest. I was filled with such a peace, that peace that surpasses all understanding. Shortly after that, Matt began serving on the Worship Team and I began serving in the Children’s Ministry. I have always had a passion and love for children and absolutely love sharing God’s Word with them. It is so rewarding to hear and see the love the little ones have for Jesus! I pray that the Lord will give me the words, guide my steps and actions, to teach His children.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.